Dental Hygiene And Your Gingivitis Risks

If you have the right dental hygiene routine in place, you can keep your smile safe against more than just cavities. Through proper brushing and flossing, you will also remove harmful bacteria before they can start to gather under your gum line and cause issues with gingivitis. Protecting yourself against this issue is important. Without the right support, you can develop problems with your periodontal health that lead to more serious troubles with your overall well-being. Our Dallas, TX dentist’s office can assist you in protecting your gums, as we provide periodontal as well as dental services during your preventive exams. (more…)

Fully Caring For A Tooth During A Root Canal

If a problem with dental decay is not stopped in time, your tooth will become infected. This is a potentially serious problem, as it can lead to persistent pain, trouble with sensitivity issues, and an increased risk that your tooth might be lost! At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we are ready to help you in the event that you need this kind of problem treated. Through root canal therapy, we can directly deal with the bacteria and infected tissues in your pulp, which can restore your oral health and put an end to active discomfort. We can also take care of your tooth by providing a custom dental crown that keeps it secure and healthy. (more…)

Resolving Dental Problems With Lifelike Crowns

There are times when even dental fillings are not sufficient to restore teeth affected by cavities. In these situations, your Dallas, TX dentist can respond by providing a custom dental crown. These restorations provide a larger area of coverage, as they actually surround teeth above your gum line. Because we offer treatment with porcelain-made restorations, we can preserve your smile as well as your dental health when we treat you. Remember that our practice is here to do more than just respond to problems. At your regular exams, we can help you lower your risk for future oral health difficulties! (more…)

Placing A Filling That Matches Your Enamel

There are times when restorative dental work is unavoidable. Once you have a cavity, in-office care must take place to stop the damage from spreading and creating more issues for your oral health. While it can be disheartening to learn that you need work done for decay, you can find that your Dallas, TX dentist is able to provide that support without causing a permanent change to your smile. A composite resin filling is capable of both imitating enamel and permanently bonding to it, which means you enjoy both cosmetic benefits and functional support that lasts. We should note that we can also help you if you need more support in the form of a dental crown, which offers more coverage and protection. (more…)

What To Expect From Your Dental Bridge

There are important oral health services that can give you back your smile, your dental function, and your well-being. If you have a missing tooth, you should look to schedule the appropriate restorative services to address the impact this will have on your life. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can provide a permanent restoration without oral surgery to improve your smile and appearance. A custom dental bridge is held in place with a pair of dental crowns that provide enough stability to let you bite, chew, and speak with confidence. You can also feel confident in the way you look, as this appliance can make your smile appear natural and complete! (more…)

How Can I Protect My Smile Against Bruxism?

How much time do you have to address your nightly teeth grinding issues before you experience damage to your smile? Putting off treatment in hopes that you can wait to do something about bruxism can lead to consequences. You can find that your appearance has changed based on how much wear and tear affects your enamel. You can also find yourself with chips or cracks in your teeth that affect the way you look as well as your oral health. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can help you manage a problem with nightly teeth grinding. If necessary, we can also provide beneficial services to help those who are already bothered by the way wear and tear affects their appearance. (more…)

Don’t Overlook The Importance Of Healthy Gums

Is an oral health issue capable of hurting your overall health? If you have problems with your periodontal well-being, you can be more vulnerable to general problems than you might realize. Because of this, you should pay attention to the early warning signs of gingivitis, the first stage of an infection. When this problem is managed properly, it can be reversed, meaning your gums return to their healthy status. However, when the problem becomes more serious, it can be difficult to control, which can make you more likely to experience complications. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can provide valuable services at your routine visits to help prevent the onset of dental problems as well as issues with your periodontal health. (more…)

What Dental Sedation Does For Patients

If you feel uncomfortable in the dentist’s chair, even the idea of a routine appointment can be uncomfortable. Going without general checkups is a problem, as it will leave you vulnerable to the kinds of problems that make more involved care necessary. It can be especially harmful to let signs of poor oral health go unaddressed, as you can set yourself up for complications that seriously impact your well-being! At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can make appointments for those with dental anxiety easier by providing dental sedation. With this support, we can help you stay calm even if you need to come in for a more involved procedure! (more…)

How Routine Dental Checkups Protect You

What does your daily smile care routine involve? Are you brushing and flossing on a daily basis, and are you actively making diet choices that lower your risk for cavities? The right decisions on a daily basis are important, but to make sure your smile remains in good condition, you should still schedule general dental exams and cleanings. At these appointments, your Dallas, TX dentist can provide valuable services to keep you better informed about your oral health. You will also receive the kind of preventive care that helps you stay safe against tooth decay, gum disease, and other concerns. (more…)

What Exactly Are Dental Crowns?

dental crownWe spend our entire lives being taught the importance of taking care of our teeth. From a young age, our parents instill in us that we need to brush our teeth and floss every day and that we need to visit the dentist every six months. Despite our best efforts, our teeth can still become damaged — through internal decay, external trauma, or even natural weakness. Luckily, there are numerous solutions to fix your teeth and smile. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX dentist discusses everything you need to know about dental crowns. (more…)