What Exactly Are Dental Crowns?

dental crownWe spend our entire lives being taught the importance of taking care of our teeth. From a young age, our parents instill in us that we need to brush our teeth and floss every day and that we need to visit the dentist every six months. Despite our best efforts, our teeth can still become damaged — through internal decay, external trauma, or even natural weakness. Luckily, there are numerous solutions to fix your teeth and smile. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX dentist discusses everything you need to know about dental crowns. (more…)

Reclaim Your Smile With Dentures

DenturesNothing can ruin your self-image like missing teeth. When you are constantly thinking about your smile’s appearance, you miss out on living in the present. From avoiding pictures to going out less to trying to keep your mouth closed whenever possible, the anxiety is real and often painful. Dentures, however, are a helpful solution. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist discusses everything you need to know about them and the ways they can help you reclaim a healthy, happy mouth. (more…)

You Don’t Have To Suffer From TMJ Disorder

tmj disorderNothing can derail your day like a headache. It can be especially exhausting if you suffer from them consistently. What’s more, is that there are so many potential causes behind them — dehydration, stress, and missed meals are all culprits. Headaches can also be caused by temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. These are the joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull and can become misaligned or unbalanced. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist discusses the causes and treatments of this disorder. 


Spice Up The Tooth Fairy Tradition

Tooth FairyThe Tooth Fairy is undoubtedly a time-honored tradition. Almost every adult has memories of placing a baby tooth under their pillow and waking up in the morning to a little money. While this is has worked for many years, it’s about time that we improve the tradition, bringing it firmly into the 21st century.  In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist discusses ways to make the Tooth Fairy more interactive and fun for your family. (more…)

Dental Sealants Can Help Prevent Cavities

Dental SealantPracticing preventative care is perhaps the most important component of keeping your mouth healthy. Brushing your teeth and flossing twice a day goes a long way to preventing cavities and gum disease. When you take good care of your teeth, it lessens the likelihood of more severe issues developing in the future. Similarly, going to the dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings allows professionals to examine your smile to make sure nothing serious is developing. Another tool of preventative care is dental sealants. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist discusses what sealants can do for your smile and also describes the importance of preventative care, overall. 


Gingivitis Harms More Than Your Gums

gum diseaseA recent study from the University of Washington School Of Dentistry has found that gingivitis can not only damage teeth and cause tooth loss, but it can also contribute to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and bowel diseases. This information places urgency on our need to practice preventative care measures — like going in for regular dental checkups and cleanings. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist discusses the causes of gingivitis and the ways you can fight it.


Helpful Travel Tips For Your Teeth

travel tipsWith traveling becoming an option again, many of us are eager to book a getaway and go on an adventure. In all the excitement of visiting a new place and seeing the vast splendors of the world, it is easy to let our oral health take a backseat to just soaking in new locales. That said, there are easy ways to maintain our smiles, no matter where we find ourselves. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about travel tips that will help you keep your teeth healthy all across the globe.


We Can Help Prevent Teeth Grinding

BruxismWhile you likely know that teeth-grinding is detrimental to the health of your affected teeth, you may not be aware of the damage it can do to your jaw as well. This disorder, also known as bruxism, can be caused by jaw alignment issues as well as environmental and emotional circumstances. Moreover, it can also be tied to TMJ disorder, which is the misalignment of the joints that connect your jaw to your skull. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist will discuss the causes of bruxism and the ways that you can treat it.


Protect Your Children’s Teeth

Children's DentistryGood dental habits start at a young age. By teaching your child the proper way to care for their teeth, you are setting them up for a lifetime of good oral hygiene. Like adults, kids need to brush their twice a day and floss them daily. When they are very young, you will have to care for their teeth for them, but as they get older, you — with the help of their dentist — can teach them the proper techniques and best practices. Your dentist can also teach you the best ways to keep their smiles clean. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX dentist discusses the importance of your protecting your child’s teeth and the ways that oral healthcare professionals can help. 
