When You Need Protection From Bruxism

What can happen at night to cause you to wake up with jaw pain, sore or sensitive teeth, and even concerns about broken enamel? For many people, sleep create problems for their smile, as bruxism can cause them to grind and clench their jaw throughout the night. When this goes untreated, it can have serious consequences for you. The worsening wear and tear can lead to damage that requires restorative dental work, and the discomfort can become harder to deal with as you start to struggle with TMJ disorder. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we are prepared to help by providing protection with a custom oral guard that keeps your smile safe while you rest. (more…)

Dental Exams And Your Oral Health Support

What does your approach to oral health care currently look like? Do you solely rely on your daily brushing and flossing routine to protect you, or are you taking advantage of your access to preventive dental appointments? If you forgo dental examinations, you can leave yourself more vulnerable to problems than you realize. In the course of a visit with your Dallas, TX dentist, you can receive important feedback, including early warnings about potential problems with your well-being that can be promptly treated. You also lose out on teeth cleanings that stop tartar and plaque buildup from causing new problems. (more…)

Taking Action Against Gum Disease

Without the proper actions taken, gum disease can take a worrying toll on both your general well-being and smile. Did you know that an infection actually raises your risk for tooth loss? The tissue damage caused by bacteria on the roots of your teeth can make you more susceptible to this issue. When those bacteria enter your bloodstream and move to other areas, they can also create new problems for your physical health, or make active conditions harder to manage. At our Dallas, TX dental practice, we can offer support for patients with different degrees of poor periodontal health. We can also provide ongoing services that will help with the prevention of these troubles. (more…)

Responding To Harm Done By Bruxism

Until you do something about nightly teeth grinding and clenching issues, you can experience worsening harm to your enamel. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we are prepared to help patients regain confidence in the way they look after this damage has occurred. We can evaluate teeth to see if you should have dental crowns put in place for support. Doing so will both help you regain confidence in your smile and ensure that you can bite, chew, and speak without difficulty. Of course, we can also support you in order to make sure that you no longer struggle with grinding and clenching at night, and that you are free from any related concerns about TMJ disorder. (more…)

Receiving Your Secure Dental Bridge

When you no longer have your full smile, you can experience embarrassment about your appearance along with oral health issues that will negatively affect your life. Fortunately, this is not something you are helpless to address! With the help of your Dallas, TX dentist, you can regain your complete smile by receiving a custom dental bridge. With your bridge in place, you can feel better about the way you look, and because it is stable enough to absorb bite pressure, you can also regain better and stronger jaw function. This is not your only option for treatment, as we can also discuss the benefits of holding a restoration in place with a dental implant. (more…)

Keeping A Tooth Safe With A Lifelike Crown

Dental crowns provide important support for teeth in situations where advanced tooth decay or physical trauma seriously affect them. When it comes to cavity treatment, they provide a means of supporting your healthy tooth structure when you need more protection than a dental filling can offer. If you have a physical injury, your restoration can cover the visible damage and also help you to maintain your healthy and natural bite movement. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we are prepared to provide a crown that offers both functional benefits and cosmetic value. (more…)

How Root Canals Resolve Cavity Troubles

To fully deal with tooth decay, your Dallas, TX dentist will have to remove all infected tissues and completely deal with bacteria. When a cavity is caught in time, this can be done through a conservative process, and it can lead to the restoration of your tooth structure with a custom dental filling. However, when decay is more advanced, more involved care can be required. We are prepared to act in these situations. When appropriate, we will provide root canal treatment to address decay that has affected the inner structure of your tooth. After removing the threat in this way, we can provide important support through the placement of a dental crown. (more…)

Using Dental Sedation During Treatment

While you can be less than thrilled to learn that you need restorative dental work, you can find that a positive treatment experience makes the work itself easier to arrange and undergo. For some individuals, anxieties around dental work can make any kind of appointment, even routine care, feel so daunting that they try to delay their next visit. For individuals who have these negative feelings, delays in smile care can lead to more oral health problems, and ultimately the need for more involved services! At our Dallas, TX dental practice, we can recommend that patients affected by dental anxiety rely on the aid of dental sedation to make your experience with treatment easier. (more…)

How Dental Cleanings Influence Smile Health

If you want to stay on top of your oral health, make sure you are not the only person putting in work to keep your smile clean. As important as your daily oral hygiene routine is to your appearance and well-being, you should have additional support from your hygienist. At regular dental exams and cleanings, our Dallas, TX dental practice can make sure that you have the kind of support that keeps you safe against future problems with gum disease and tooth decay. Part of your protection comes from the cleanings that are performed at these regular appointments. You also enjoy a defense in the form of regular evaluations, which can lead to the discovery and treatment of problems in their early stages. (more…)

We Can Help You Live Without TMJ Pains

Your daily life can be harder to enjoy when TMJ disorder causes you to experience frequent aches and pains. Problems with joint alignment and tension can cause different forms of discomfort. Over time, you can find yourself dealing with stiff or sore jaw movements, difficulties with headaches, and a tendency to grind and clench your teeth while you sleep. Rather than resign yourself to life with these various issues, talk to your Dallas, TX dentist about treatment! Through the right care, TMJ problems can be resolved, and your issues with pain and sensitivity can be put behind you. (more…)