Why Are Modern Fillings Tooth-Colored?

Patients who have cavities and need fillings to treat them often expect their fillings to be made of metal. That’s largely because metal fillings have been the typical cavity treatment for over a century. However, many patients are often surprised to learn that they can successfully treat their cavities with more discreet and biocompatible tooth-colored fillings. Instead of being made from metal and shining conspicuously against the appearance of your teeth, a tooth-colored filling is designed to blend in with your tooth’s appearance and remain virtually undetectable after it’s placed within your cavity. (more…)

How to Stay Ahead of Cavity Development

On average, people need cavity treatment more frequently than any other dental treatment, aside from routine dental checkups and cleanings. The tooth decay that causes cavities is the most common chronic dental concern for patients of all ages. Though it’s highly preventable, it can develop naturally if your dental hygiene and preventive dental care are consistent. Fortunately, you can save your smile from a cavity even after it’s developed, and the sooner you do so, the better it is for your long-term oral health. With these few tips, you’ll have a much better chance of staying ahead of cavity development and avoiding severe infection in your tooth. (more…)

Tips to Prevent Almost Any Dental Issue

There are some oral health concerns that some people have to deal with despite their best preventive efforts. For example, teeth can sometimes be congenitally misaligned and need orthodontic correction, or you may experience a dental emergency resulting from accidental trauma. However, the most common threats to develop against your smile are chronic, progressive conditions like tooth decay and gum disease, which can often be prevented with the right level of dental care and maintenance. The most important factor in successful prevention is consistency – with it, you have a much better chance at keeping your smile safe from most common dental issues. (more…)

A Few Factors in Preventing and Treating Tooth Loss

In the lifelong journey of keeping your smile healthy for life, you may have to deal with the threat of tooth loss in one way or another. Perhaps your dentist takes note of your increased risk of it and advises you to take steps to prevent it. Or, you might experience tooth loss due to one or more underlying factors, and need to restore your smile by replacing the lost tooth or teeth. The good news is you have a better chance at preventing it with regular care from your dentist. If you experience tooth loss, you can fully rebuild your smile with the right custom-designed restoration. (more…)

Why You May Need Tooth Extraction Treatment

There may come a time in a patient’s life when a tooth gets infected by decay. When that happens, your Dallas, TX, dentist will work hard at saving it. Treatments for doing so include dental crowns, fillings, and root canals. But it may just happen that the tooth has to be removed. This is usually the dentist’s last choice. However, if a tooth is consistently infected, is broken, or if there is a baby tooth that is impeding an adult tooth, then tooth extraction is suggested. Patients can be nervous about this treatment, so let us learn more about it in today’s blog post.


What Are Dentures And Why You May Need Them

There may come a time in your life when you lose some of your teeth. Or something may happen, and you lose all of them. If this happens, it can compromise your confidence in your smile. It can also affect your dental health. However, for patients who have lost some or all of their teeth, your Dallas, TX, dentist offers restorative options, like dentures. For this blog post, we are going to explain the differences in partial, full, and implant-retained dentures and why you may need them. 


What You Need To Know About Dental Implants

While missing a tooth is not ideal, it is not the end of the world, either. Today, your Dallas, TX, dentist can treat this issue with a dental implant restoration. If you find yourself chewing or biting with difficulty, or maybe you do not smile as often because of a missing tooth, then an implant can help. It functions just like a regular tooth, and it can help stimulate your jawbone with the flow of nutrients throughout your body. Let us learn a bit more about them today.


Root Canal Therapy Is Nothing To Be Nervous About

Imagine having an infected tooth. You make a visit to your Dallas, TX, dentist, and we examine it. Sometimes, if caught early, we will fix it with a cleaning and a filling. However, if the infection has gone on too long and it has made its way down into the pulp of a tooth, then we may need to perform a root canal therapy. Just reading those words may make you nervous, we understand. But this common treatment is nothing to be scared about, especially after you learn more about it. 


How Dental Crowns Help In Various Ways

A dental crown could be considered a jack-of-all-trades in the dentistry world. If you have a large filling and not enough tooth structure to hold it, then a crown can be used to make it stronger. Your Dallas, TX, dentist also uses them to attach bridges, cover dental implants and discolored teeth, and to protect a weak tooth from further damage. Depending on your oral health, we can fit you with one if needed in a way that is comfortable and minimally invasive. Let’s find out more about them. 


What You Need To Know About Bruxism

Do your ears ring on a daily basis? Do you have consistent jaw pain? Maybe you wake up with headaches? If so, these are signs of bruxism that you may be experiencing. Bruxism means you subconsciously grind your teeth while you sleep. That is why most people do not know they are doing it. If left untreated, several oral health problems can occur, like damage to crowns, tooth decay, and teeth becoming looser. Even though it is something that is not under your control, your Dallas, TX, dentist can help by providing a bruxism treatment that is custom designed for you to help reduce the pain and get you on the road to good oral health.
