Questions You Might Have About Dental Implants

Dental implants have become highly popular among patients who’ve experienced tooth loss, and for many good reasons. However, despite their popularity, there are many things about dental implant-supported restorations that aren’t that obvious. For example, the benefits that they provide to your smile long-term might not be as noticeable as their more immediate benefits. Also, the specific ways in which they enhance a traditional dental restoration are more lifelike and impactful. Today, we help you understand more about the advantages they provide by answering a few common questions about dental implants and how they differ from more conventional bridges and dentures. (more…)

What Would Extracting Your Tooth Resolve?

There are several reasons why it isn’t a good idea to just extract a tooth that’s giving you trouble. Just because the tooth is fractured, broken, or afflicted with tooth decay doesn’t mean that it should just be removed and replaced with a man-made restoration. However, there are times when extraction is the best way to resolve an issue with your natural tooth structure, and when it is, it’s important not to hesitate. Today, we examine a few issues that tooth extraction could resolve, and why the tooth could become a liability for your oral health if it remains. (more…)

Things That Get Better When You Treat Your Cavity

When your tooth develops a cavity, it’s no secret that treating it as soon as possible is the best way to stop it from getting worse. This protects your tooth from suffering more significant erosion to its structure, making your cavity treatment essential to saving the tooth. Yet, in addition to stopping the infection in your tooth structure from worsening, there are several immediate benefits that come with treating your cavity. That includes finally alleviating the many different symptoms that your tooth decay is the source of. (more…)

Why Your Smile Needs Consistent Attention

Good dental hygiene isn’t the kind of thing that only benefits some people. It’s something that everyone needs to stick to in order to keep their smiles healthy and free of disease, and to avoid the potential need for more serious dental treatment later. However, the key to any dental hygiene routine being a good one is how consistently you stick with it. Today, we explain why your smile needs your consistent attention, and that of your dentist, to remain healthy for life and avoid some of the more serious problems that could threaten it. (more…)

Could Chronic Bad Breath Be a Warning?

Brushing your teeth when you wake up in the morning is a natural habit for most people, and it’s important to your oral health for many different reasons. The point is to remove the bacteria that have accumulated on your teeth, gums, tongue, and oral tissues throughout the night, and eliminating the common “morning breath” that accompanies them can be a huge relief. However, what if your bad breath doesn’t go away after you’ve brushed your teeth and rinsed your mouth? Today, we examine how chronic bad breath can develop, and what it could be a warning sign of in many cases. (more…)

Have You Lost a Tooth? Consider a Dental Implant Crown

Your smile is more than what you see on the surface, and when you lose a tooth, the loss can have more implications than you realize at first. For example, in addition to the loss of the tooth’s visible portion, called the crown, the missing root within your jawbone structure can have long-lasting impacts on your oral health and structures. Because of this, patients who experience tooth loss can benefit more by replacing it with a restoration that’s supported by a dental implant post. Together, a dental implant and crown can replace all of your lost tooth’s structure, which can have significant advantages for your immediate and long-term oral health. (more…)

What Could Losing a Tooth Lead To?

Many people who experience tooth loss realize that it’s a big deal for their oral health. That’s because many of the consequences are obvious, including the impact of the loss on your smile’s appearance and its effect on how your remaining teeth feel when you bite and chew. However, there are more consequences to tooth loss than you might be able to notice, and losing a tooth could lead to many other problems for your oral health if you don’t replace it. (more…)

Why Good Hygiene Doesn’t Always Prevent Dental Concerns

Sticking to a good dental hygiene routine is important to keeping your smile healthy, and many people recognize its importance. However, even when they brush their teeth twice and floss at least once every day, many people still experience the development of dental health concerns. The most common of these include tooth decay and gum disease, both of which stem from the buildup of oral bacteria on your teeth and gums. Today, we examine why good dental hygiene isn’t always enough on its own to prevent dental concerns, and what else you might require to ensure your smile’s continued good health. (more…)

What to Remember About Preventing a Cavity

In the course of caring for your smile, there are some threats that are much more common than others. For example, cavities are the most common tooth health concern, which is why much of your dental hygiene routine focuses on preventing the circumstances that lead to their development. Most importantly, that includes keeping your teeth clean of the oral bacteria that accumulate on them, as well as paying attention to things that could still put your teeth risk of becoming infected. (more…)

When to Ask Your Dentist if You Have Gingivitis

Not everyone who develops gingivitis realizes when they do. In fact, they may not realize there’s a problem until more severe gum disease begins to noticeably affect their gums and oral health. However, if you’re diligent, you may have a good chance of realizing that you have gingivitis before it becomes a more serious threat to your smile. With prompt care and attention from your dentist, you may have an even better chance of reversing or controlling the condition before it has time to cause damage to your gums and oral health. (more…)