Month: September 2015

Avoiding Root Canal Therapy

Patients are always happy to learn about ways to keep their smiles healthy, so they can avoid restorative care. Waiting for something to go wrong and then treating the problem requires more time, money, and effort that simply preventing the issue in the first place. If you have been thinking more about practicing effective preventive… Read more »

Chocolate Go Round Tour

Would your friends say you have a sweet tooth? More than that, would they say you are a bit of a chocoholic? If so, why waste your time focusing on anything else (aside from brushing and flossing your smile, of course)? Indulge in your love for all things cocoa and gather up some friends and loved… Read more »

Dental Crowns: What To Expect

If you need a dental crown to save or protect your tooth then you are probably already familiar with the basic details of this restorative treatment. For instance, you know that a crown is a hollow dental prosthetic shaped like a tooth and custom-designed to fit over your remaining tissue. What you may not be… Read more »