Avoiding Root Canal Therapy

toothsilverquestionPatients are always happy to learn about ways to keep their smiles healthy, so they can avoid restorative care. Waiting for something to go wrong and then treating the problem requires more time, money, and effort that simply preventing the issue in the first place. If you have been thinking more about practicing effective preventive care, you are taking a step in the right direction. As for individuals focused on avoiding root canal therapy, we can offer some simple yet very effective suggestions to protect your tooth from infection, so it remains healthy and beautiful.

If You Need It, You Need It

Just for clarification, if you need root canal therapy and your tooth is already infected – there’s no avoiding it. The good news is that root canals are comfortable and will save your tooth. Rather than succumbing to the need for an extraction, you will be able to keep your tooth in place.

You May Avoid Root Canal Therapy

If your tooth is healthy or at least uninfected at the moment, you may follow some simple steps for keeping it that way (and avoiding the need for root canal therapy). Consider the following essential factors in maintaining oral health:

  • Daily Hygiene: You need to brush and floss every day. Brush two times. Floss once. Doing this every day cleans plaque off of your teeth, which prevents tooth decay that can lead to infection.
  • Consistent Preventive Visits: Even excellent daily brushing and flossing will not completely remove every last bit of plaque from your smile. You may also fail to recognize a cavity as it forms. Seeing us once every six months will keep your teeth free of plaque and will allow us to treat problems before they advance.
  • Scheduling Necessary Restorative Treatments: Need a filling? Don’t wait – that tooth decay can worsen and lead to infection (and then the need for a root canal).