Category: Preventive Dentistry

Halloween And Your Healthy Smile

Do you have plans to celebrate this Halloween? Whether you intend to go out and make the most of the holiday or stay in for a quiet evening, you can find that you have more access to candy before the big day and after. In addition to having sweets ready to hand out to trick-or-treaters,… Read more »

How Do I Fight Tartar Buildup?

If you want to stay cavity-free for your next dental visit (and all those that follow), you should think about how you can address the problem of tartar buildup. Unfortunately, you are not able to remove this substance on your own. To have it taken care of, you need to seek help from your hygienist,… Read more »

Caring For Your Gums During Checkups

At a typical dental checkup, how much can you really expect your dentist to do for you? It may be no surprise to learn that you are being examined for cavities, and you can expect to receive a dental cleaning that fights plaque as well as tartar. However, you should know that you should also… Read more »

Checkups Offer Important Reviews Of Your Smile

How long can you really go without having your smile checked by your dentist? If you believe you can put off an appointment until something feels wrong, you can leave yourself at risk for potentially serious problems. You may not realize when you have a cavity or problem with gum disease until the issue has… Read more »

Tips For More Effective Cavity Prevention

Committing to cavity prevention protects you against problems with your oral health that can have serious consequences. Dental decay causes permanent damage, and it can lead to issues with infection that become painful. If enough time passes, a cavity will do so much harm that a tooth has to be extracted! The good news is… Read more »

Dental Exams And Your Oral Health Support

What does your approach to oral health care currently look like? Do you solely rely on your daily brushing and flossing routine to protect you, or are you taking advantage of your access to preventive dental appointments? If you forgo dental examinations, you can leave yourself more vulnerable to problems than you realize. In the… Read more »

How Dental Cleanings Influence Smile Health

If you want to stay on top of your oral health, make sure you are not the only person putting in work to keep your smile clean. As important as your daily oral hygiene routine is to your appearance and well-being, you should have additional support from your hygienist. At regular dental exams and cleanings,… Read more »

Keeping Up With Preventive Dental Visits

Preventive dentistry helps patients stay safe from the persistent oral health threats that can negatively impact their appearance and overall well-being. Problems like gum disease and tooth decay are managed through smart daily care, but you should not feel solely responsible for keeping yourself safe against these problems. You should also take care to schedule… Read more »

How Routine Dental Checkups Protect You

What does your daily smile care routine involve? Are you brushing and flossing on a daily basis, and are you actively making diet choices that lower your risk for cavities? The right decisions on a daily basis are important, but to make sure your smile remains in good condition, you should still schedule general dental… Read more »

Dental Sealants Can Help Prevent Cavities

Dental Sealant

Practicing preventative care is perhaps the most important component of keeping your mouth healthy. Brushing your teeth and flossing twice a day goes a long way to preventing cavities and gum disease. When you take good care of your teeth, it lessens the likelihood of more severe issues developing in the future. Similarly, going to… Read more »