Dental Floss: Common Questions


dentalflossmeasuringHow much do you really know about the dental floss you are using to clean your teeth? Are you certain that you’re making the best decision regarding your flossing habits, so you are making the most of your preventive care at home? Don’t worry – you are not supposed to magically know this information. If you have not yet been instructed on the wonderful art of flossing your teeth, then you have a bit more to find out. If you have, however, then you just might know all there is to know. Allow us to answer some commonly asked questions, so you are certain you’re doing your best.

Questions and Answers: Dental Floss

Question: How often should I be flossing my teeth every day to make sure my preventive care habits at home are on target?

Answer: We suggest you floss at least once a day to ensure you are removing every trace of plaque you can reach.

Question: Can I just choose any dental floss I want? How can I make sure I’m using the right one?

Answer: Allow us to offer some simple tips: Make sure the floss is approved by the ADA (American Dental Association) if you are in doubt. Choose waxed floss if you have difficulty with tight spaces. Choose unwaxed floss if you do not deal with tight spaces. As for flavor and other details, you may try out a variety of options and simply choose what you like.

Question: What if my gums feel sensitive? Can I just skip flossing but make sure I do an exceptional job with my brushing habits?

Answer: No, you can’t skip this aspect of your preventive care routine because you have sensitive gums. The good news is that you can seek out floss for sensitive gums, which typically comes in tape-style form. The wider, gentle floss is effective yet easy on the gum tissue.