Category: Bruxism/TMJ

Can You Stop Bruxism On Your Own?

Do you often experience headaches or tooth sensitivity? This may be a side effect of bruxism, which causes patients to chronically grind their teeth. You may not be aware that this is happening because it occurs while you sleep. Your team at Gentle Smiles in Dallas, TX, can help diagnose and treat this problem and… Read more »

Treating Jaw Pain Related To TMJ And Bruxism

When you have persistent but unexplained jaw pain and headaches, this could be an oral health issue that needs treatment. TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) can lead to major discomfort and even risk the stability of your smile. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about how we treat factors behind your TMD… Read more »

Unlocking Relief By Treating TMJ Pain

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder is a condition that affects the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. Often characterized by pain, discomfort, and difficulty in jaw function, TMJ disorder can significantly impact one’s quality of life. In this blog, our team of helpful dentists in Dallas, TX, will delve into the reasons why it… Read more »

The Peace of Mind Offered By Night Guards

Do you find yourself waking up with jaw pain, headaches, or worn-down teeth? You may unknowingly be grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep, a condition known as bruxism. Over time, this can lead to various dental problems and even temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The good news is that a simple solution exists with… Read more »

Relieve Your Bruxism With An Oral Appliance

Jaw Pain Dallas TX

If you struggle with the grinding of your teeth overnight, it may be time to speak with an oral health professional about ways to treat your condition. If left alone, you could wear down your enamel, leaving you with unattractive stubby teeth. When this happens, you can also expose the more vulnerable dentin underneath, which… Read more »

Bring Up your Jaw Tightness At Your Checkup

Telemarketer Dallas TX

If you wake up with a sore jaw, it might be a result of your overnight teeth grinding. Bruxism is a prevalent sleep disorder that can cause serious issues, if you do not treat your condition. It might feel easy to ignore your grinding, but over time, you could be left with shortened teeth. Take… Read more »

Pain Relief From TMJ Treatment

When you continue to feel pain in your face and jaw, it can become clear that something has to change if you want to improve your quality of life. Discomfort that does not go away on its own can be brought up with your Dallas, TX dentist. When it is, you can learn how treatment… Read more »

Are You Concerned By Nightly Teeth Grinding?

Has a tendency to grind and clench your teeth while you sleep become a nightly concern? When you unconsciously and repeatedly do this, you can do increasing harm to your teeth, which can lead to negative cosmetic changes as well as worries over harm to your tooth structure that can affect your oral health! At… Read more »

TMJ Disorder And Its Effect On Your Daily Life

Proper jaw alignment can be more important than you might expect. If you have issues with uneven movement or alignment, a problem known as TMJ disorder, the stress on your jaw can become a source of discomfort in several areas. Beyond the discomfort experienced in your jaw, issues with headaches, facial discomfort, neck and shoulder,… Read more »

How Do I Defend My Smile Against Bruxism?

Bruxism can become a nightly concern, a source of regular discomfort, and a serious threat to the condition of your teeth. When left untreated, problems with repeated jaw grinding and clenching can cause significant trouble, but your Dallas, TX dentist can protect you against this issue. We can provide a custom appliance that will help… Read more »