Dentist-Approved Treats for Halloween

Trick or Treat Candy AlternativesAre your kids already getting excited about Halloween fun, namely the many doors they’ll knock on for tricks, or treats? As a parent, are you feeling less than excited about the prospect of them binging on sugary treats, much less handing them out, yourself, at either your home or a Halloween bash? This year, why not stick to family dentist-approved alternatives to sugary treats, that way both you and your kids can smile about the fun items you’ll be handing out, knowing you won’t be putting their smiles in jeopardy? (more…)

Can Your Smile Be Restored Seamlessly?

Can Your Smile Be Restored Seamlessly?When you suspect you are struggling with a dental issue, it is important to seek restorative treatment promptly. Quick treatment can help to restore your comfort and confidence after a dental issue like a cavity, but it can also prevent the need for more extensive restoration, such as root canal therapy. While the teeth are strong, they cannot repair themselves the way the skin can, for instance. So if you are diagnosed with a dental cavity, often diagnosed through the use of an x-ray, a dental filling is a great smile solution, one that can help get you back to enjoying your normal activities without the discomfort associated with cavities. If you have other dental issues, a crown might be a wonderful, seamless smile restoration. (more…)

Can More Be Done to Protect Your Kids’ Smiles?

Can You Protect Your Kids' Teeth?Are you worried about your kids’ smiles? Many children struggle with dental decay, which can pose problems for their overall oral health, and can also cause discomfort. Fortunately, many dentists provide special preventive treatments with kids in mind, namely dental sealants that can help protect against acidic erosion that could lead to cavities. Combined with routine preventive visits to the family dentist, and some healthy habits formed at-home, these sealants can help better protect your children’s smiles, allowing them to enjoy better oral health as they grow! (more…)

Do You Believe Dangerous Dental Myths?

Do You Believe Dental MythsAs someone hoping to take great of your smile this year, have you considered that there could be dangerous misconceptions negatively impacting your oral health? When you believe common misconceptions about dental health, it can be difficult to properly protect your teeth and gums, much less to effectively prevent cavities and other common issues. Fortunately, your preventive dentist is a great source of information about what your smile really needs in order to stay healthy, and what more you can do to care for your smile between dental visits. (more…)

Can Your Tooth Be Saved?

Can Your Tooth Be Saved?Have you been suffering from dental discomfort for some time now? Are you unsure what is causing the pain, and even more concerned what can be done to stop it? Many people delay restorative treatment, for fear that extensive and invasive treatments will be the only way to help save damaged teeth. Some also worry about what their smiles will look like, following restorative dentistry. Fortunately, many modern dental restorations can be made to blend seamlessly within one’s natural smile, allowing for natural-looking and comfortable restorations. Best of all, in many cases restorative dental treatment makes it possible to save even badly damaged teeth! (more…)

Could You Need Treatment for a Dental Cavity?

Do You Need Treatment for a Cavity?Have you noticed increasing tooth sensitivity over the past few months? In fact, lately does it hurt when you try to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, or a scoop of ice cream? Did you know that heightened sensitivity is one common warning sign of a dental cavity? Grey or black lines, especially centered along the crevices of the teeth, can also be symptoms of cavities. Fortunately, if you are diagnosed with a cavity, it does not mean the end of your smile as you know it. Modern dental restorations, like tooth-colored fillings, are actually designed to help restore a tooth after a cavity, both functionally and cosmetically. That way a person can smile confidently, even after restorative treatment!


Two Important Reasons to Schedule Routine Dental Visits

Two Important Reasons to Schedule Routine Dental VisitsDo you ever wonder if dental checkups and cleanings are really necessary? If you have been fortunate enough to enjoy good oral health, thus far in life, it could be tempting to postpone or ignore routine dental visits. Sadly, this could lead to a host of oral health problems in the future, since regular dental cleanings and checkups are one of the key ways you can protect your teeth and gums against common problems such as cavities and gum disease. So, if it has been more than six months since your last dental visit, it is already past time to call and make an appointment. Remember, a clean smile is a healthy and beautiful smile! (more…)

Need Restorative Dentistry? Consider a Porcelain Crown

Need Restorative Dentistry? Consider a Porcelain CrownAt your last dental checkup, did you dentist inform you that you have a particularly deep cavity, one that require prompt restorative treatment? Perhaps you were involved in an accident, and one of your teeth was cracked as a result? Are you unhappy with your current dental filling or outdated-looking dental crown? Has your bad habit of chewing on ice finally led to devastation, namely a noticeably chipped front tooth? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is time you talked to your restorative dentist about how a porcelain crown could help. Not only are crowns an effective form of treatment, to help protect damaged teeth. They can also be quite beautiful, allowing patients to smile both confidently and comfortably! (more…)

Is a Dental Implant Right for You?

Could a Dental Implant Complete Your Smile?Did you recently lose a tooth due to gum disease, advanced decay, or even trauma? Have you scheduled an extraction, and are concerned about how your smile will look and function after that treatment? After years of wear, have your dentures become ill-fitting, and caused you to feel insecure about your smile? If so, it is time to speak with your restorative dentist about how a dental implant could improve your confidence, as well as your comfort. Implants are an excellent prosthetic option for patients looking to complete their smiles both functionally and cosmetically, or even to improve upon an existing prostheses. (more…)

Do You Have a Dental Cavity?

Do You Have a Dental Cavity?Have you found yourself worrying, lately, that you could be struggling with a dental cavity? Cavities are incredibly common. In fact, nearly 90 percent of American adults will experience dental caries, which are commonly called dental cavities. Many school-aged children will also deal with cavities, which can cause discomfort and embarrassment. Fortunately, treatment for a cavity is often a simple dental filling, which can protect a damaged tooth against further erosion and even restore one’s comfort while eating, as well. So if you are concerned you might have a cavity, why not learn the warning signs of dental cavities, so you can seek dental treatment accordingly.
