Why You Need To Get A Cavity Filled


Dallas, TX, dentist offers dental fillings for patients

Going to the dentist may not be your favorite task on your to-do list, especially when you are told that you need additional treatments. However, it’s important to schedule restorative treatments promptly to keep your smile safe. If you have been told you have a cavity, you will need to get this filled as soon as possible to avoid further problems. The team at Gentle Smiles in Dallas, TX, is here today to talk about how fillings can treat decay.

Prevent The Decay From Worsening

One of the main reasons cavities need to be restored with a filling is to stop the progression of decay. If a cavity is ignored, the area can become sensitive and may even cause toothaches which can make eating uncomfortable for you. When you get this restoration done, the damaged part of your tooth is removed, and a stronger material is used to replace it. By removing the decayed area, the cavity can not spread further into your tooth. If this is not done, the bacteria can wear down your enamel and dentin, eventually reaching the pulp and causing serious toothaches. Delaying treatment for a cavity can lead to needing more invasive treatments, like root canals.

Avoid The Need For More Invasive Restorations

As a general rule, you should visit your dentist every six months for a checkup. During your appointment, your dentist will look for signs of decay, gingivitis, and other concerns. If a cavity is spotted, they will recommend that you get it filled as soon as possible to avoid toothaches and discomfort. If this is put off for too long, the decay can continue to wear away your tooth and enter your pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves. When decay reaches this area, you may need a root canal or extraction to restore your smile. Root canals are done to remove the decayed pulp and relieve discomfort. This procedure is more invasive than a simple tooth filling. If the area has become infected due to the untreated cavity, the structure may need to be extracted all together.

Maintain The Appearance Of Your Smile

Cavities can create a hole in your tooth as it wears away your enamel. When you come in to have the area restored, we will used a lifelike material that blends in with your smile. This composite resin material will match the color of your teeth and will not be visible. Having this restoration done can protect the health of your smile and will also help maintain your appearance.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team Today!

Dental fillings should be scheduled as soon as possible to avoid worsening cavities. Call Gentle Smiles in Dallas, TX, today at 972-329-7645 to schedule an appointment.