Even if you brush and floss each day, this doesn’t remove all plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth. You need a professional dental cleaning every six months to remove the buildup and protect your smile from periodontal disease. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about how a simple dental cleaning helps protect your smile!
The Causes of Plaque and Tartar
When we have a diet high in sugar and starch, this leaves behind particles that cling to the teeth or become stuck between them. Harmful oral bacteria then consume them, in the process elevating oral acidity and coating the teeth in sticky layers of plaque and tartar buildup. The layers not only lead to stained teeth and bad breath, but can also weaken enamel with time to create cavities. The same buildup could irritate and inflame the gum tissues to cause gingivitis and gum disease. Which is why removing these layers is important, you safeguard the health and stability of your smile!
The Dental Cleaning Process
Serious concerns like cavities and gum disease don’t form overnight, so our team wants to see you every six months for a cleaning procedure. The treatment is simple. Our team will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to gently and thoroughly break up and remove all deposits of plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the teeth. We then polish them, which makes it more difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to the teeth and offers a brighter appearance. This is a crucial procedure for patients of all ages, from those as young as two to your oldest family members too. In between these visits, daily brushing and flossing can help protect your smile and limit the severity of your plaque and tartar buildup.
A Deep Cleaning
If your buildup has already led to the warning signs of gingivitis and gum disease, such as sore, red, or bleeding tissues, then you may need a deep cleaning. Also known as a scaling and root planing, this allows us to remove buildup from the surfaces of the teeth and the rotos, as well as deposits beneath the gum tissues too. The procedure is more involved and could take between one and four visits, depending on the severity of the buildup. If you have any questions about how our team protects your smile with preventive care, or if you would like to schedule a visit, then contact our team today.
We would like to help you avoid the risk of gingivitis and gum disease with regular preventive treatment. To schedule your next visit with our team, call us at Gentle Smiles Family Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (972)329-7645!
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