Does your tooth hurt? Multiple factors can cause our Dallas, TX, patients to experience toothaches. However, a persistent ache may indicate the presence of tooth decay, which means treatment is crucial for maintaining a healthy smile.
Temporary Aches
Changes in air pressure (for example, riding in an airplane) or problems with your sinuses or allergies may lead to an ache. However, the aches will be short lived and pass after only a few hours. If your pain lasts more than 48 hours you should see your dentist, as this could be caused by an oral health issue that requires treatment.
Tooth Decay and Bruxism
A cavity forms when damaged or weakened enamel allows bacteria to reach the inner dentin. The dentin is more sensitive, which means cavities form that will spread and grow unless treated. Patients with an untreated cavity may experience tooth sensitivity or toothaches. In addition, bruxism (chronic teeth grinding and/or jaw clenching) will place pressure on the teeth, wearing away enamel or even chipped and fracturing the teeth. Again, bacteria enter the tooth and reaches the dentin, leading to decay and pain in your teeth. Without treatment, these issues may cause infection and in extreme cases, tooth loss.
Fillings and Crowns
How do we repair aching teeth? If you have a cavity, we may be able to place a tooth-colored composite filling in a single visit, restoring the health and function of your smile. For more serious decay or if you have a damaged tooth, a custom-mad dental crown, or possibly an inlay or onlay, will be placed to correct the problem and end your discomfort. If you have any questions about your aching teeth, or if you think you need treatment, then contact our team today. You don’t have to live with an aching tooth, we’re ready to help with restorative dentistry!
Does Your Tooth Hurt?
If you have an aching tooth, don’t ignore the issue, contact us as soon as possible. Otherwise, the health and stability of your tooth could be at risk. For more information, schedule an appointment by calling Gentle Smiles in Dallas, TX, today at 972-329-7645 (972-329-SMILE).
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