3 Tips to Prevent Cavities

Cavities may be the most common issue (they effect over 90% of adults in America), but that doesn’t mean they’re inevitable. In fact, cavities are fairly easy to prevent if you know how to control the causes behind them—namely, oral bacteria. Certain bacteria found in your dental plaque notoriously attack your teeth by converting sugar and other carbs into acids. These acids weaken your tooth enamel, paving the way for bacteria to infect your tooth’s main structure. With these tips, you can interrupt this process before a cavity develops, thereby saving your healthy tooth structure and helping you avoid the need for more extensive restorative treatment.

Pay attention when you brush and floss.

Brushing and flossing your teeth is important, but it’s only effective if you thoroughly clean every surface of your teeth. If you don’t pay attention (i.e., looking at your phone or watching TV while you brush), then you’re more likely to miss spots of plaque and food particles.

Pass on the candy and soda.

Sugar isn’t the main cause of cavities, but sugar and acid are significant factors in the weakening of your tooth enamel. The more your teeth are exposed to them, the more likely your tooth enamel will erode. Instead of candy and soda, choose healthier snacks like fruit and sugar-free juice.

Participate in your dental care.

The more you know about your dental health, the better you can take care of it. When you visit your dentist, be proactive by asking questions, requesting suggestions to improve your hygiene at home, and following your dentist’s instructions closely.

Learn More About How to Prevent Cavities

With good hygiene at home, regular preventive care from your dentist, and the tips mentioned above, you have a good chance of preventing cavities and having to treat them. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Gentle Smiles in Dallas, TX, today at 972-329-7645 (972-329-SMILE).