3 Products To Add To Your Bathroom

dentalhygieneproductsHave you been stocking your bathroom with the same dental hygiene products for as long as you can remember? Whether your oral health is declining a bit or if you are simply interested in infusing some excitement into your hygiene, we encourage you to add to your collection. From accessories that help you stay on track to making changes that can lead to a more enjoyable experience with brushing your teeth, we offer a few products you may wish to purchase.


#1: A Timer

Do you time your brushing sessions? If not, your oral health could suffer. As you may know, we suggest patients spend two minutes brushing their teeth (two times a day). Any less time spent on brushing may result in missed areas (and an increased potential for tooth decay). Bring a timer into the bathroom, so you can be sure you’re getting the job done thoroughly rather than estimating.

#2: A Toothbrush Holder

The best way to keep your toothbrush clean is to rinse it off and then let it air dry. If you are setting it down in standing water or tossing it into an enclosed area, this just won’t do. Consider adding a toothbrush holder into the bathroom – choose one that gives your brush’s bristles the chance to breathe and dry.

#3: Something New

If you’re feeling aggravated or tired with your dental hygiene, it’s time to throw something new into the mix. This can be anything that fits within the guidelines of “good for your oral health.” For instance, maybe it’s time you try a new toothpaste flavor. Perhaps you are becoming more interested in trying an electric toothbrush or a water flosser – try something out to rejuvenate your passion for preventive care.