An injury severe enough to chip or crack your enamel should be taken seriously. Physical damage makes you vulnerable to an infection, a problem that calls for root canal treatment to solve. If you ignore a problem, the infection can create increasing problems, leading to trouble with pain and sensitivity, and even swelling around the tooth. You are also at risk because a chip or crack can lead to more damage, leading to more of your tooth structure being permanently lost.
A custom dental crown surrounds a tooth above your gum line. This coverage keeps you safe against infection, plus is provides reliable support when you apply pressure while biting and chewing. This tooth-shaped restoration is carefully made after your tooth is closely measured, ensuring it offers both the right look and right support. If the tooth being protected is noticeable when you speak and smile, we can have the crown made from a porcelain material that closely imitates enamel. By doing so, we can restore your tooth without making a change to your smile!
Crowns provide more coverage than a dental filling, covering the tooth instead of just filling in a portion affected by decay or damage. The design of this restoration can ensure that your tooth stays safe through many years of pressure from biting and chewing. That lasting support is important. Because our teeth do not recover naturally from damage, a crown has to stay in place to provide support. Your dentist can check on a restoration you have received in the past during a dental exam to confirm that it is still in good condition.
Gentle Smiles is prepared to restore your tooth after a dental injury. By providing a durable, custom-made dental crown for your tooth, we can keep it safe and secure to prevent further issues from affecting your smile. To set an appointment, call our dental practice in Dallas, TX, today at 972-329-7645 (972-329-SMILE).
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