When you have problems with your periodontal health, you can experience concerns over gums that bleed easily, appear swollen or discolored, or start to recede. You can also have a harder time managing embarrassing problems with bad breath. What you might not realize is that as time passes, an infection can worsen, and that can lead to problems with your overall health as well as raise your risk for tooth loss! The sooner you do something about your concerns over your well-being, the sooner you can avoid these potentially serious complications. We can help you avoid trouble by providing a timely warning about your infection during a routine dental exam.
To address problems with gingivitis, we can provide a deep periodontal cleaning during a routine appointment. This is a different approach to dental cleaning than what we would normally take, as it will target bacteria that reside on the roots of teeth. Working to clean under your gum line will help you because we can remove the immediate threat to your tissues. This gives them a chance to heal, which means you can recover and avoid long-term complications.
Sometimes, a more involved procedure is needed to address the threat of advanced gum disease. We can determine if this is necessary for you by evaluating your tissues and assessing your current condition. In addition to treatment that gives us better access to the spaces between gums and teeth so that we can fight oral bacteria, we provide periodontal services that take on issues with excess tissues, as well as problems with recession.
Your periodontal difficulties should not be taken lightly. If you think something might be wrong with your gums, we can provide an assessment and determine if there is a call for treatment. Taking on this issue can help you avoid potentially serious problems that can impact your appearance and health. If you would like to find out more, contact Gentle Smiles Family Dentistry in Dallas, TX at 972-329-7645.
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