Categories: Restorative Dentistry

3 Functions Of Fillings

When you receive the news that you need a dental filling, you might immediately think to yourself that the main goal of a filling is solely to clear up your cavity. However, to fully appreciate this restorative treatment, it is important to understand the unique functions of fillings. True, after your filling, your cavity is no longer present. However, there’s a lot more than meets the eye – allow us to explain and you might find yourself feeling a bit more confident about scheduling your visit.

Function #1: To Get Rid Of And Stop Decay

First, the goal of a dental filling is to stop the progressive decay of your tooth. By removing the decaying tissue, cleaning out your cavity, and filling the opening, your dental tissue will stop dying. As a result, you can avoid worrying about an even larger cavity or a potential infection that may require root canal treatment.

Function #2: To Restore Your Tooth’s Structure

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you allowed the cavity to become larger? The larger the cavity becomes, the less stable the structure of your tooth becomes. As a result, your tooth becomes more and more prone to breaking. A dental filling restores the full structure of your tooth, greatly decreasing the likelihood of an accidental fracture or break.

Function #3: To Rejuvenate Your Tooth’s Beauty

Lucky for you, we offer tooth-colored dental fillings. This means that we will customize the shade of the composite we use to fill your tooth, so it matches. As a result, your tooth will look healthy and whole again.

Gentle Smiles

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