When you brush and floss on your own, you effectively protect yourself against oral health threats. A good routine will keep you safe from the buildup of plaque and tartar, lower your risk for gingivitis, and help you control decay. If you have a daily routine that you are confident in, do you still need to worry about preventive dental appointments? These visits are important, even when you feel you have enough smile support from your own habits. After all, they can provide confirmation that you are free from problems that require treatment. They also include thorough teeth cleanings that will remove any plaque and tartar deposits that you have missed.
At your next appointment, you can look forward to both a detailed cleaning of your smile and a review by your dentist. Cleanings fight both plaque and tartar buildup. The removal of tartar is an especially valuable aspect of these visits, as it is not something that you can do on your own. Tartar deposits that form between appointments will remain despite your brushing and flossing, and they will make you more vulnerable to oral health issues. Your dentist can look carefully for any signs of trouble that require further treatment.
If a problem with tooth decay or gum disease is observed during your next visit, our practice will be ready to take care of you. The good news about cavity treatment is that the sooner the issue is treated, the more conservative your procedure will be. A smaller cavity can be restored with a custom dental filling. For patients who have symptoms of gum disease, we can recommend deep cleanings that remove bacteria from their roots.
If you want to keep your smile safe and healthy, make sure that your next routine dental visit is scheduled! During these appointments, we provide important updates about your oral health as well as prompt treatment if any problems are identified. If you would like to find out more, please contact Gentle Smiles Family Dentistry in Dallas, TX at 972-329-7645.
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