You might not realize just how much the alignment and movement of your jaw can affect your quality of life. When you have untreated problems with TMJ disorder, the stress and strain on your joints and muscles can make it difficult for you to bite and chew without tension or discomfort. It can also lead to unwelcome teeth grinding issues, more frequent headaches, and even problems with discomfort in your neck and shoulders. Whether you make an appointment to discuss your pain or talk about it during a routine dental exam, saying something to your dentist can lead to relief, as we can provide a custom oral guard that resolves problems with joint tension or misalignment.
With a custom oral appliance, you can put an end to the discomfort that you feel when you move your jaw. When you wear your guard at night, you will have your lower jaw set in a position that relieves tension on your joints and encourages better overall alignment. With this correction, we can help you reduce the strain that can cause problems with limited movement and persistent pain.
If your problems with TMJ disorder lead to teeth grinding, you can experience serious problems for your smile as well as your oral health. In the course of your care, we can check to see if wear and tear has started to affect your enamel. If so, we can determine if the damage is serious enough to require restorative dental work.
If you are living with aches and pains that are linked to problems with your jaw alignment or health, know that treatment is available. In fact, by letting your dentist know about your condition, you can learn about the positive impact that appliance therapy can have on your quality of life, and on your oral health! If you would like to find out more about this and other matters that our practice can help you address, contact Gentle Smiles Family Dentistry in Dallas, TX at 972-329-7645.
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