Question: How do I know if I’m suffering from misalignment or if I just need a bit of cosmetic dental care to make my smile look better?
Answer: We will seek out problems with your oral health during your dental checkups. This includes identifying significant misalignment issues, such as over bite, under bite, overcrowding, spacing, and more.
Question: Why do you bother identifying possible misalignment concerns? Isn’t this something that is strictly esthetic in nature and that I can discuss with an orthodontist if I’m worried about it?
Answer: We diagnose misalignments because they are not strictly a cosmetic issue when they affect the way your teeth fit together. A poor bite can result in serious side effects, like damaged teeth, bruxism, jaw joint issues, headaches, and more.
Question: What will I do if I have a misalignment issue? Can you help me with this oral health concern?
Answer: If your bite issues are the result of old restorations, we may suggest replacing that dental work with new (such as fillings or crowns). However, for true misalignment, we will refer you to a trusted orthodontic team, so you may move forward with protecting your oral health.
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