Have you become familiar with the fact that your jaw health is not set in stone? Perhaps you have a friend or family member who recently required bone grafting to restore lost jaw tissue. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to avoid ever dealing with the deterioration of your jawbone. We offer up a few tips that will provide immense protection against jaw tissue damage for the immediate time and for the rest of your life.

Tip #1: Be Proactive About Oral Cancer

Nobody likes thinking about serious, progressive diseases like oral cancer. However, protecting your overall health and your jaw health when it comes to this disease simply requires you to schedule preventive visits. By seeing us twice a year for checkups, you will receive consistent oral cancer screenings. We will protect the structure and health of your entire oral cavity, jaw, and more by offering immediate treatment if a change occurs. We also strongly suggest you quit the use of tobacco, which often leads to oral cancer and destruction of your jaw and other tissues.

Tip #2: Do Your Best To Prevent Gingivitis

Did you know that gingivitis is also a progressive oral disease that can claim the life of your gum tissue, your teeth, and even lead to the deterioration of your jawbone? Unfortunately, once it progresses into its full form called periodontitis, loss of jaw health and jaw tissue is likely. Brush two times a day, floss one time every day, and see us twice a year for your cleanings and checkups and you don’t need to worry about this issue.

Tip #3: Replace Teeth Immediately

When you lose a tooth, replace it right away. The best way to protect your jaw health is to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant. This will revitalize essential stimulation to your jawbone that was once provided by your roots.

Gentle Smiles

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