How’s Your Toothbrush Doing?

Do you find yourself feeling particularly anxious about your toothbrush? Do you wonder if you should be making some sort of significant effort to keep it free of bacteria, since the goal is to rid your teeth of harmful bacteria? Perhaps you are unsure about when to throw your current brush out and replace it with a new one. Allow us to offer some helpful tips regarding your toothbrush to promote effective dental hygiene that keeps your smile in beautiful condition.

Tip #1: Don’t Become Attached To Your Brush

First things first, one of the most important tips for your toothbrush when it comes to effective dental hygiene is this: Make sure your brush is in good shape. As a general guideline, you should plan to replace your brush every three months. However, if your brush looks like it’s ready to be thrown out early, go ahead and purchase a new one.

Tip #2: Don’t Try To Sterilize Your Brush

We often find out from patients that they feel like they should find a way to sterilize their toothbrushes. Fortunately, your dental hygiene is safe without you feeling the need to do anything special. What are we saying exactly? Don’t attempt to microwave your brush, clean it with soap, place it in boiling water, or anything else extreme. Just rinse it when you finish brushing.

Tip #3: Let Your Brush Air Out

After you thoroughly rinse your toothbrush, let it air dry. This is particularly important when you’re traveling – make sure you don’t keep your brush in a wet bag or container for extended periods of time and you’ll be in good shape.

Gentle Smiles

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