Categories: Dental Sedation

Quiz: Nitrous Oxide Or Oral Sedation?

Your experience begins as a feeling of pure joy when you discover you have sedation dentistry options for a calm visit. However, this sensation may quickly fade and turn into confusion when you realize you have not just one option – but two options. How do you choose? Is nitrous oxide right for your needs or are your concerns better suited to oral sedation? Take a quick, fun quiz to find out how much you know so far about which sedation solution will work for you.

Which Form of Sedation?

  1. Nitrous Oxide or Oral Sedation: You really want to feel much more relaxed during your visit but you have to return to work immediately after your appointment. Which is the best sedation dentistry option?
  2. Nitrous Oxide or Oral Sedation: You suffer from extreme dental anxiety, which makes it difficult to even schedule an appointment. You’re hoping to achieve a deeply tranquil state and have already cleared your schedule for the remainder of the day. Which is the best sedation dentistry option?
  3. Nitrous Oxide or Oral Sedation: You tend to have difficulty achieving numbness with local anesthetic, so you just want an additional analgesic to numb your oral tissues.

Quiz Answer Key

  1. Nitrous Oxide: Nitrous oxide begins to take effect almost immediately. More good news? It starts to wear off right away, as well, once we stop providing you with the sedative. You will be able to return to your day without cancelling plans like school or work.
  2. Oral Sedation: Oral sedation will allow you to achieve a deep state of relaxation, so you can simply lie back and feel completely at ease. This form of sedation dentistry will take several hours to leave your system, so you will need a trusted individual to drive you home to rest.
  3. Nitrous Oxide: This sedative offers analgesic effects without causing you to feel groggy once your procedure is over. It’s a win-win!
Gentle Smiles

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