Questions You Should Ask (Even If You’re Shy)

We know that even if you feel comfortable about your dental care visits, you may still feel a bit shy or distracted during your appointment. We are also all too familiar with the fact that as a result, patients commonly have things they would like to ask us about but aren’t sure if their preventive care visits are the right times to ask questions. You should know: During your dental checkup and cleaning is the best time to bring up inquiries, concerns, and to ask for demonstrations. Wondering where to begin? Consider some questions we are always happy to answer and go from there.

“What’s the best way to brush and floss my teeth?”

We find that patients often assume they should already know the best way to brush and floss, so they think if they ask we will be disappointed. Much to the contrary, we are always happy to go over the best techniques for brushing and flossing – or to answer pointed questions about your preventive care. We will also happily walk you through how to do each with a quick presentation.

“Which products should I buy?”

Again, if you think you should know everything about the best toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste, guess again. There are a lot of options out there and we know it can be very confusing. The best thing you can do is speak with us about what’s best for your unique smile needs, so you practice excellent preventive care.

“What are you doing?”

Not sure what to expect during your treatment? Curious about a particular instrument? We understand that many patients prefer to feel completely educated and knowledgeable about what’s going on (especially when they can’t see for themselves). We are happy to explain steps and reasons behind preventive care treatments.

Gentle Smiles

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